Comprehensive Care
Communication, or swallowing difficulties can arise from neurological injury, or illness, such as MS, Parkinson’s, or MND. Spinal cord injuries, or head and neck cancers may bring similar issues.
ENT conditions, related voice disorders, or dementia could be added to possible causes, creating a position where each patient deserves a comprehensive diagnosis.
Our speech and language therapists provide detailed diagnosis, working with medical consultants where this will assist. Thorough understanding of individual needs is the best route to effective therapy.
An intensive, patient centred programme will then be designed to match your needs, based on clinical expertise and proven techniques.
Alongside technology based treatment where this will help, an evidence based strategy helps patients to develop effective skills and overcome obstacles to communication, or swallowing.
Main Communication Issues
Each person can experience unique difficulties, although they will often relate to a recognised condition, or a combination of conditions:
- Aphasia – Language disorder due to damage within the brain.
- Cognitive Disorder – Affecting thinking and conversation skills.
- Dysarthria – Facial paralysis, tongue, or throat muscle weakness.
- Dyspraxia – Developmental coordination disorder at all ages.
- Social Difficulties – Which bring barriers to communication.
- Dysphonia – Causing your voice to be hoarse, strained, or weak.

In house, supportive technology
Speech & Language Therapy Procedures
The innate skills, or experience of our therapists bring a combination of flexibility and the use of proven techniques:
- Swallow Clinic with Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES) – A speech & language therapist and ENT consultant jointly lead a service providing in depth assessment of swallow function.
- Intensive Communication Rehabilitation (ICR) – A tailored therapy programme brings together multiple techniques, to help achieve effective communication.
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) – Evaluation and training with communication devices, for individuals who need support to express themselves.
- Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VR) – An approach designed to help individuals with communication, or language difficulties to return to work.
- Cognitive Rehabilitation Program (CRP) – A comprehensive program to improve memory, attention, language and skills related to cognitive function.
- Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) – A voice and respiration treatment method, to improve vocal intensity and decrease the impact of Parkinson’s disease on communication.
- Autism Diagnostic Service (ASD) – Assessment for adults and children, led by a multidisciplinary team, with full adherence to NICE guidelines.
- Ampcare Effective Swallow Protocol (ESP) – Electrical stimulation therapy, to improve the quality of muscle contraction and individual swallow function.
- Intensive Dysphagia Treatment (IDT) – Personalised treatment for dysphagia, to improve swallow function and the ability to eat, or drink.

Early intervention is beneficial
Paediatric Therapy
The speech & language therapist supporting a child will be experienced, DBS checked and dedicated to improving their ability to communicate. Conditions we regularly treat include:
- Language delay, or disorder
- Social communication difficulties
- Dyspraxia, or dysphonia
- Autistic spectrum disorder
- Mild to severe learning disabilities
- Feeding and swallowing difficulties
Accessing Support
If you are meeting your own costs, you can directly self refer for speech & language therapy. Depending on circumstances, medical insurance can cover all, or part of the cost, best to check with your provider.
The first stage of support will normally be a detailed assessment, by a therapist and specialist colleagues where this will help.
An ENT consultant could for example assist with swallow evaluation. This can be an endoscopic procedure, which produces real time, visual data, helping to determine the best treatment approach.
Our hospital and rehabilitation centre are home to a range of consultants, covering almost all fields of medicine. The facilities on-site are equally comprehensive and support broad needs.
Your speech & language therapist will be at the centre of decisions you make with them. Knowing that other specialised support is available simply adds to peace of mind and helps to ensure the best care.

Facilities are designed to suit all needs
Speak to our team today
Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.
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01296 678800
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