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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group of hospitals

Stroke Recovery

Regenerating lost skills, to improve core quality of life and regain personal independence.

Recovering patient running in grounds
Patient on standing exercise machine

Individual Support

Before rehabilitation begins, a pre-admission assessment will take place. Consulting with a multidisciplinary team helps to define your therapy plan, although this is a continuous process.

The team supporting you constantly review your position and discuss each aspect with you, to prioritise needs, or heighten progress.

A stroke can bring mobility, cognitive, or communication problems, practical life can be impaired due to continence, swallowing, nutritional, or hydration issues. Ensuring the right focus day by day matters.

Alongside prevalent areas of damage, there can be more subtle changes following a stroke. Treating these alongside primary issues helps to bring a more rounded recovery.

Every stroke is different, with no set pattern for rehabilitation. The broad approach includes practical aspects, virtual learning and assistive technology.

Enhancing Movement

Mobility loss due to a stroke is improved by modern apparatus designed to make movement easier. This benefits your body by maintaining strength, or flexibility and allows your mind to relearn.

There can be cases where exoskeletons, or assisted movement machines would help, approaches often used after stroke include:

  • Anti-gravity, to reduce impact and improve healing.
  • Hydrotherapy, using the power of water to assist.
  • An electrical current, to stimulate muscle groups.

Our physiotherapists will often work with you directly, to improve range of motion and body strength. Occupational therapists assist with relearning the skills that are important for life.

The same can apply to speech & language therapy. This also helps with cognitive abilities, alongside the latest, stimulating environments

Anti-gravity treadmill in use

Anti-gravity for free movement

Patient taking part in cognitive virtual therapy
Virtual reality screen

Intelligent Virtual Reality

Video games have been around for decades and are popular. That people who previously suffered a stroke would try them was inevitable and this produced a remarkable result.

Beyond enjoying the game, some found lost skills starting to return. The improvement in concentration, spatial awareness and problem solving was there to be measured.

Neuroscientists who saw the data realised how much more could be achieved by purpose designed alternatives, which we now have.

Mind Motion GO leads the field and is of value to our stroke patients. An interactive, game based digital therapy with a variety of options, created to help re-educate on movement and more.

Other installations such as Tyrosolution Pable, or Tymo, let you see your movement patterns and improve them. Assisting with balance, posture and core strength, to support the use of your arms, or hands.

Personal Recovery

Research has shown that people who participate in stroke focused rehabilititation improve more than those who do not. This applies to mobility, cognition, memory and social interaction.

In itself not surprising, although the degree of progress is greater when your condition is closely evaluated and understood.

Neither does this condition stand still, with evident changes, or progress bringing indirect results. Your family may spot them, or the team you work with on recovery.

We are proud of our machine and computer based technology, because of what this can achieve. Recovery will still be led by people, with the skill and empathy to see your needs.

Our team are there to give a helping hand on less good days and to share in your achievement on others. They never forget that recovering from stroke is a very personal journey.

Patient using Alter-G anti gravity treadmill

Support is always at hand

Our Facilities

Our patients and the people who care for them deserve the finest facilities, to ensure effective rehabilitation.

Technician studying head scans on screen

An adjacent hospital

The Royal Bucks rehabilitation centre is separate, although having our hospital in the same building can be helpful. A state of the art facility, with around 60 consultants covering every aspect of medicine.

Patient taking part in cognitive virtual therapy

Advanced technology

Our centre is amongst the best equipped in Europe, with an anti-gravity facility based on NASA designs, varying types of exoskeleton, laser therapy and high tech aids for neurological rehabilitation.

Physio and patient in hydrotherapy pool

Hydrotherapy pool

An 8.5 metre pool heated to 34 centigrade, with resistance jets for exercise and a jet massage. The pool provides accessibility for all, with slides and hoists built in and is supported by experienced staff .

Physiotherapist supporting patient

Skilled Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy is recognised for the value this is able to bring after trauma, or surgery. Where longer term conditions apply, our physios are leaders in the field and play an important role in recovery.

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800

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