History & Modernity
Our building has a long history, first developed into a hospital by Florence Nightingale in 1832. A royal charter came five decades later and medical care has been offered ever since.
The focus on rehabilitation began in 1997, with the hospital transformed into a specialist spinal care unit. An approach expanded by the Affinity Group in 2013 and now, by Akessa Healthcare.
Along with turning other parts of the building into a state of the art medical hospital, they have invested in our rehab centre.
The Royal Bucks is a pleasure to be in and offers the best available rehabilitation technology. As importantly, patients use this alongside an exceptional staff team.
Their skills are valuable, as is their wish to build relationships with patients. The caring sprit which began two centuries ago is still at the heart of our building.
Who We Support
Patients come to us from the age of 18, or into retirement, inpatients and outpatients are welcome and treated equally. The range of conditions they have is diverse.
We are renowned for recovery from spinal cord and brain injury, yet treat people after a stroke, or amputation. Others come with neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s, MS, or muscular dystrophy.
Those with complex medical needs receive the input they need. From specialised nursing intervention, to bowel and bladder management, skin management, or nutritional support
If ventilation is required, or other medical assistance, this is likely to be available, along with any personal support needed.
The common denominator is a wish and a focus on moving forward. Helping people live the best life they can, which should be uniquely defined for all who come to us.

A positive, friendly ethos helps

The Best Outcome
Any logical person would say that the best outcome is to return to life as before the event that interfered. We agree this is a fine objective but are always honest with patients.
There are a few rehabilitation case studies on our website, which you may wish to look through. Each is a story of exceptional recovery, yet not always back to times before.
One patient remains in a wheelchair but is back working as a consultant surgeon. Others have turned serious incapacity into mobility, along with a wish to progress further.
We have a few images of a patient running in our grounds, who arrived unable to walk, or support himself. Others have rebuilt their lives in different ways.
Being able to once again do the things which make us independent human beings can be as rewarding as any achievement.
Sound Management
Every staff member plays a part in a patient’s recovery, from a shared moment for a friendly chat, to an incisive treatment plan. Physios, speech therapists, occupational therapists and nurses matter in rehab.
They can only provide the support they wish if our centre is well managed, across every aspect of medicine and practical life.
Our Medical Director is a leading maxillofacial surgeons, our CEO one of the UK’s most experienced medical executives. They work alongside an in house Chief Medical Officer, IT Director and Director of Governance.
Others manage our financial needs, oversee nursing, theatres, or NHS engagement. Above all, the management team inspire every member of staff by allowing them to achieve all they can.
Keeping management in house and at a high level is a sound way to maintain a progressive ethos. To fit with the medical group we are part of and to ensure our patients are well served.

The Akessa Healthcare Group
The Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital is part of a group of leading medical facilities including:
The Maxillofacial Clinic, 107 Harley Street
A centre for the treatment of oral and facial conditions.

Speak to our team today
Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.
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01296 678800
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