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Member of the Akessa Healthcare Group of hospitals

SaeboFlex Therapy

Dynamic support allows your hand to grip and release, to help with relearning this vital movement.

Saebo Flex used to grip ball

Freedom Of Control

SaeboFlex is a wearable device, designed to influence the neuromuscular and skeletal systems which control your wrist, hand, or fingers.

Use of those areas can be lost due to stroke, brain injury, or spinal cord damage. People may be left unable to open, or extend their hand and fingers, which often remain in a clenched, or closed position.

The assistance SaeboFlex brings in opening and closing your hand allows practical use again. Supporting your chosen action, bringing confidence and over time, re-educating your brain to reinstate more normal function.

Speak to our team today

Get in touch to book an appointment, for further information, or to ask any question you wish. All contact is handled securely and confidentially.

Call us on

01296 678800